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What’s Involved?

Breast Reduction for Women
A breast reduction, or reduction mammaplasty, removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size that is proportional to your body and to relieve any discomfort associated with overly large breasts. Overly large and heavy breasts can cause physical discomfort or limitations such as back and neck pain, posture problems, skin irritation under the breast area and inhibit physical activities. They can also cause women to feel self-conscious or embarrassed.

Breast reduction surgery can change the size, weight, firmness and shape of your breasts to create smaller and perkier breasts. During your consultation, Dr. Lussier doesn’t view your breast reduction in isolation and will look at how the surrounding areas of your chest may detract from the new changes. He may recommend liposuction to remove fat under the arms, so that it further enhances your breast reduction by improving the aesthetic of your overall appearance.

Breast Reduction for Men
Male breast reduction is the most effective known treatment for male breast enlargement, or gynecomastia. The surgery removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest. Breast enlargement may be due to genetics, use of certain medications, drug use, or by a medical condition such as altered hormone levels or tumors. A medical condition must be ruled out as the cause of breast enlargement before you can proceed with the breast reduction surgery.

Breast enlargement is a common problem that can be a source of embarrassment and feeling self-conscious that can impact your quality of life. With a breast reduction, you will improve your overall body proportions, feel comfortable in revealing your chest in public, to swim or participate in sports, feel comfortable in clothing and gain social confidence.

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Real Stories

I have suffered with gynecomastia for 17 years and recently had surgery to remove it. If you’re looking
for a surgeon, look no further than Dr. Lussier.

– PL, May 2016

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Surgical consultations and services at:

Non-surgical services offered at these locations:

Marc LussierMD Plastic Surgeon Town Center Surgery

Lussier Aesthetics Non-Surgical Treatements The Time Machine™

Aesthetic Medicine:
A lot of science
with a little magic.
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