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What’s Involved?

Facial implants in your chin or cheek work to augment, reconstruct, or rejuvenate your facial contours and to bring proportion to your face. Facial implants are removable, so the surgery is reversible.

A chin implant surgery changes the shape and size of your chin. If you have a weak, receding chin then a chin implant can make it more projecting and improve your profile with a more defined jawline and give you a stronger frame your face. Cheek implants can sculpt your cheeks to create more prominent and full cheek bones.

Dr. Lussier may also discuss options such as dermal fillers or fat grafting to augment your facial implant surgery. Cheek augmentation with dermal fillers can increase fullness and definition to sunken cheeks and facial hollows. Dermal fillers are used to rebuild the structure to re-contour the cheekbones to their more youthful and full state.

Dermal Filler Cheek Augmentation Options:

  • Juvederm® Voluma XC
  • Restylane® Lyft
  • Radiesse®

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Surgical consultations and services at:

Non-surgical services offered at these locations:

Marc LussierMD Plastic Surgeon Town Center Surgery

Lussier Aesthetics Non-Surgical Treatements The Time Machine™

Aesthetic Medicine:
A lot of science
with a little magic.
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