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What’s Involved?

Neck lifts address wrinkles and sagging skin on the neck caused by aging or weight loss. The procedure removes excess hanging skin, tightens the underlying muscles and improves the overall contour of your jawline. Neck lift procedures use one or a combination of surgical approaches to treat poorly contoured necks which include liposuction, neck tightening, and a formal neck lift.

Surgical Options:

  • Neck Liposuction
    Liposuction is used to remove excess fat and the skin around the neck which creates a slimmer and streamlined profile. Due to the short procedure time and recovery time, neck liposuction is commonly referred to as the “weekend facelift.”
  • Neck Tightening (Corset Platysmaplasty) with Liposuction
    If you have larger fat deposits, loose neck muscles but without the excess skin, then the combination of neck tightening and liposuction is for you. The results are more dramatic than liposuction alone.
  • Neck Lift
    This is the traditional neck lift which removes excess fat, tightens the muscles, and removes excess skin. The results are impressive and dramatic.
  • Neck Lift and Facelift
    Neck lifts are most commonly performed with facelifts. The amount of hanging skin folds along the jaw line (jowls) is the main factor for having a neck lift combined with a facelift. A neck lift alone will not significantly improve the appearance of jowls. The result is a more youthful, streamlined neck and jawline.

Non-Surgical Options:

  • Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile. Once fat cells are destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal. The number of injections for your treatment will depend on the amount of fat you have under your chin. The injections are recommended if you have moderated to severe fat below the chin, resulting in a “double chin.” This injection is an option if you don’t want to have surgery while achieving the same results.

Private images available upon request.

Meet Dr. Marc Lussier video
Surgery vs. Injectables video

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Surgical consultations and services at:

Non-surgical services offered at these locations:

Marc LussierMD Plastic Surgeon Town Center Surgery

Lussier Aesthetics Non-Surgical Treatements The Time Machine™

Aesthetic Medicine:
A lot of science
with a little magic.
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